Hey, I’m KareY

I teach coaches and online course creators how to speak powerfully to their offers and fill them up with dream clients without having to struggle and hustle for every single sale. 

I  KnoW tHat Deep dOWn, yOuR  desiRe  iS tO Help OthErs.

And I know how frustrating and overwhelming it can be to try and figure out how to fill up your offers and programs so that you can do what you love to do and actually make money doing it.

And just between us… there is no secret formula to marketing and selling out your offers. There are many ways to get there, but the one thing that you do need to master, regardless of what platform or strategy you use, is your messaging.

It takes deep connection with self, finding your own unique path through discernment, alignment, and a lot of rule breaking that doesn’t always make sense on paper.

I want to help you build the clarity and confidence to find your own path forward and while we are at it, I am going to help you see your value and talk powerfully to it wherever you go so that you can align with and attract your dream clients.  

I was that girl who was constantly buying courses, joining group coaching programs, reading all the books, hiring all the experts, and investing every single dollar I made in my business back into my personal development or some marketing course seeking THE THING that would finally catapult me forward. I would have great months and think, this is FINALLY IT only to find myself back in the same pattern and spot a month later.  

What I realized was that I didn’t need to be or know more of anything. I needed someone who could take the time to really see and hear me and to pull out what was already within me and help me communicate it to others!   

Building a SuccessfUl Business is Not a CoOkie cutter appRoaCH.

The good news is that I was always a master at doing that for others.

Born a twin (and 8 minutes after my twin sis), I always felt second place. I never felt unique and would always focus on what everyone else had that I didn’t that made them get first in life – being smart, popular, pretty and celebrated. I spent my life wishing I was more like everyone else and it wasn’t until my 30’s that I realized I had my own unique potential that deserved to be honoured and celebrated. Once I stopped focusing on trying to be like everyone else, I could actually see my own super powers and individuality.

The good news is that I turned my pain into my super power. After 30 years of studying what made other people unique, special, and awesome, I became very good at identifying it in others. I can pick out people’s secret sauce in no time and I use it to help them see it for themselves, infuse it into their offers and strategies, and align them with dream clients.  

It was really that simple.  

It has resulted in a successful and thriving coaching business without working 24-7 and actually enjoying my money instead of spending it all in my business.

And tHis iS POssibLe FOr yOU, tOo…

I won’t guarantee your journey won’t stretch you and make you feel uncomfortable at times, but what I can offer you is a way that aligns and honours your individuality and innate being. More ease, flow and joy lives here and it has you standing in your zone of genius being celebrated by others and recognized by clients who are happy and willing to pay for your offers.

Together, let’s find your own path forward!

My SpeCiAltiEs

Are you ready to get started?

Let’s work together to uncover your own unique formula to building a impactful and 💰 abundant coaching biz.

Ready FOr SoMe FuN faCtS?

Let’s get to know each other a little better, shall we?


I’m a boy mom! Proud and overwhelmed mama of two boys, Gray and Benny


I’m a twin – hence why individuality is so important to me! 😉


I have the music taste of a 15 year old. Love ya Biebs!


I’m intuitive and sensitive AF.


I’ve been married 10 plus years to this guy and I’m pretty grateful for it.


I’m Metis and Canadian and live in a city called Regina in a province called Saskatchewan and didn’t realize that was an odd name until like last year…

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