Go from StruggliNG to SouGHt AFter

for your knowledge, experience, and skills!

A four month container for coaches, mentors, and course creators who have had some clients but haven’t consistently hit 5k plus months and who want to find their own unique way to success, identify and eliminate the blocks keeping them stuck, create highly impactful and profitable offers, and fill them up with clients who need and want to work with them.

You’ve been in the industry for a bit now and have worked your butt off to get clients but haven’t figured out how to get them consistently.

Some of your clients have been dreams to work with and others not so much.

You’re are still looking for the “easy” button on attracting aligned clients to your offers – the ones who need and want what you can help them with, are easy to work with and who see your value and believe the investment is worth it.


doEs any Of this SouNd faMiliar tO yoU:


You show up on social media consistently but the conversion to clients is not there.


You have changed your sales page, program/course, offering many times trying to figure out what works good for you and is appealing to your dream clients.


You have worked with coaches, been in coaching groups, circles, etc… and while you have learned some things and deepend your understanding of yourself, you still haven’t been able to truly breakthrough in your business.


You have one good month of income and the next you are scrambling to pay the bills or contribute to the family and the up and down stress of it all is weighing on you.

Imagine what it would feel like to wake up each day with certainty that your income will support your dream life and you never have to look back.

What if I told you that you could…

  • spend less time on social media and still attract an engaged audience.
  • get off manual mode on social media and start attracting clients without you having to reach out, post all the time, and recreate your offer in the never ending guessing game of what will sell.
  • sell with ease and without feeling overly promotional, pushy or aggressive or constantly having to post your offer slides on social media.
  • feel so clear and confident on your messaging, what makes you stand out, and what you can transform for people that writing posts, emails, and sales pages will take half the time they do now.
  • have certainty with your income and feel excited, expansive, and energetically available to keep growing!
  • not fear next months bills and maybe even have some extra funds to start a savings account and pay for a family trip to Hawaii?
  • have a business that gives you lots of “me time” and doesn’t tie you down 24-7.

You’re ready to take your business to the next level but you don’t know where to start or how it’s possible?

“I’ve got tons of ideas, information, knowledge, and ways I can go and am not sure which one will work?”

“I have spent a lot of money and time already building my business and am still struggling with growing my sales, standing out online, and communicating my value.”


“I can’t afford to keep trying for this coaching business to take off and need to figure this out NOW.”

I know there can be a lot of overwhelm when it comes to building a business and it is frustrating. You want to positively impact other people and you know you can but getting clients is a never ending battle and it seems everywhere you turn, a new coach, mentor, or healer is popping up and blowing up causing your imposter syndrome to sky-rocket and your confidence to plummet.

You know you have value, a unique lens, and something to offer people that no one else does and you just need to figure out how to communicate this effectively and get others to see it.

This is why I created this 1-1 mentorship program.


You are excited about an up level and a bit burnt from it not happening yet and it’s time to gain the CLARITY, the CONFIDENCE, and the SIMPLE STRATEGIES THAT WILL MAKE YOU MONEY doing what you are passionate about.

I think I need this, I want to talk to Karey about it!

In tHiS 1-1 CONtainer, yoU CAn:

It’s time to hear it from someone else 😉

First 10K months and consistent flow of clients

  • Became clear on my differentiator and how to communicate my value.
  • Learned the art of target copy-writing for my social media and email content.
  • Developed an aligned sales process that feels good and converts!
  • Created my first lOK months and have a consistent stream of clients coming in.

Anna Zimmerman, Holistic Business Guide

Before working with Karey


Always unsure what to post, say, and do to get clients


Unclear why you continue to stay stuck


Hate posting on social media and writing emails and sales pages


Not super clear or confident on your dream client, or the transformation you can provide


Tired of always stressing about money

aftEr working with Karey


Know exactly what to say and how to say it that will get clients.


Know exactly what is holding you back and have ways to manage it and move through it when you see yourself going into sabotage mode.


Spend ½ the time planning and writing out your posts, emails, and offer pages.


Own your dream client and the transformation you can provide with confidence, excitement, and energy to serve them!


Feel certain and safe with your money flow and see it actually grow.

550 New Instagram Followers

  • Based on a monthly average from the year prior to working with Karey, my monthly sales went up 31.4% and will keep going up!
  • My instagram followers have organically gone up by over 550
  • I have more confidence in my business and I can show up authentically
  • I have strong offers and packages that I’m proud of and get excited about
  • I now feel like I am operating from a big picture perspective

Crystal Lang, Crystal Lens Photography

HeRe’s wHAt we’ll wORk thrOUgH tOGEther:


find your hook that differentiates you in the market, hones in on your zone of genius and creates transformation for your clients.


get crystal clear on WHO needs and wants your offer and align with them so that you can attract them without constantly feeling like you are promoting and selling yourself.


identify what structure will feel expansive to you, sets the client up for a transformational experience, and honours your capacity to serve.


create sales pages, social posts and emails that will magnetize the people who need and want your offer to you and set you up as the expert in your industry.


determine what is really holding you back from your potential and what conditionings and rules you are following that need to be broken and rebuilt.

Plus these juicy bonuses

Instagram to success online course with Carla Biesinger

$1250 Can vAlue

10 hours with Karey’s VA, Anisha Feller to automate you and set up your funnels without you getting stuck in tech overwhelm

$1000 Can vAlue

First 5 Figure Month!

  • Stopped all the side hustles and aligned with my true passion as my career
  • Excited for sales calls and feels authentic on them
  • Uncovered my personal framework, and implemented new programs/services that are 100% are aligned with me
  • My yearly sales doubled and are on track to double again!
  • Experienced my first ever five figure month (which I never thought was possible)

Riley Lawson, Consciousness Coach

When you work with Karey in this container, you get:

8 X 60 minute PRIVATE sessions WITH KAREY – $2800 value
Meet with Karey to strategize and map out your plan to sell your offers with ease, co-create messaging for your sales page, social media channels, email sequences, or any other marketing materials and channels you show up on, work on mindset, deep seated blocks and through fears.
Session to work on your sales conversation and develop YOUR OWN unique formula to enroll clients with ease, confidence, and joy. 
Access to Karey’s content creation guide – $47 value
The guide will help you take your knowledge, skills and experience and turn them into social media posts that will resonate with your audience, increase engagement and set you up as the expert you are.
Support for 4 months via email, text and social media – $1800 value
You can use this support to request feedback on your messaging as you create, update, or finalize your sales pages, create your social media posts, and roll out your freebie, email sequences, or any other marketing materials and channels you are creating content for.

TOTAl valUe = $7291

PaY in FuLl

Best Value

One (1) payment of:



  • 8 private sessions with Karey
  • 1 customized sales convo session
  • 4 months of in between support
  • Content creation guide
  • Bonus 1 – Instagram Course
  • Bonus 2 – 10 hours of VA support

**Save an additional $250 over the payment plan

Book a call with Karey Now

PayMent pLan

Four (4) payments of:



  • 8 private sessions with Karey
  • 1 customized sales convo session
  • 4 months of in between support
  • Content creation guide
  • Bonus 1 – Instagram Course
  • Bonus 2 – 10 hours of VA support

Book a call with Karey Now

Imagine sharing results like this


This is a big investment, what kind of return can I expect?

Almost 50k in the bank!

  • Huge increase in sales (almost double!)
  • A much less stressful work environment
  • I grew my network
  • I went from using my $12,000 line of credit every month to “rob Peter to pay Paul” to having almost 50k in the bank consistently.
  • Karey helped me find balance in my business and my personal life by having better time management and setting goals for myself.

Chelsey Ast, Owner of Bark Design Studio

It’s tiMe tO StOp the StrUggLinG and stArt beiNG SouGHt aftEr for yOUr WisdOm, KnOWlEdge, eXperieNce and ExPertiSe!

It’s time to find your own unique path to success and align your offers with your dream clients, and create a marketing and sales strategy that feels expansive to you, gives you energy, fulfillment and joy!

Work with Karey now and you will get:


New or updated offer(s) that aligns you with your zone of genius and deepens your impact on your clients.


A new or updated sales page that speaks powerfully to anyone who clicks on it and reads it prompting more connection calls with clients ready to invest to explore your program(s).


New or updated social media strategy that will have you being seen as the expert in your industry, connected on a soul level with your dream clients.


Content for your social media posts and insta stories.


Content for your email nurture sequences and funnels that lead to your offers.


A freebie that helps you gain trust, demonstrates your value, and funnels clients to your offers. 


A customized sales conversation and enrollment call process that feels aligned and easy for you.


A shift in day to day operations that fuels your creativity, allows for connection with self, rest, and has you showing up to your business with energy, deeper purpose, and more joy.


A renewed sense of clarity on your value and confidence that financial success is yours to enjoy while helping others.

ThiS is PeRfeCt FOr yoU if…


You are making some income monthly ($2-5K/month) but not consistently and want to grow this number.


You have offers but aren’t feeling totally aligned with them and are confused as to what isn’t working for you and you are open to creating a new offer or tweaking and adjusting the current ones.


You have some dream clients but aren’t consistently attracting them and have taken on some not so dreamy clients who aren’t getting the best results but you feel confused as to who this client really is.   


You know you have more potential but are feeling blocked and can’t quite figure out where.


You struggle with explaining your value and therefore rely heavily on referrals despite being somewhat consistent on social media.


You get all weird or in your head about sales conversations. You know consciously that you have value and yet you feel “off” when getting on a call with interested clients. You close sometimes and other times totally get ghosted and not sure what you are doing to good, bad, or in between.


You have relied mostly on word of mouth and social media marketing and aren’t quite ready yet to automate and do ads. You want to generate a bit more income first before entertaining that route although you do see yourself getting there.  

yOU are ReadY to StaRt plAyinG BiggEr!!

I want Karey as my biz partner for 4 months!

You know your potential to create impactful and profitable offers and it is time to create them. 

You know you need someone on the outside looking in to help you see where you are blocking yourself and making things more complicated.

You know that creating a plan and being held accountable to it and getting expert help with it will make growth so much easier.

yOU hAve tWo cHOicEs heRe:


Keep doing what you are doing and burn yourself out.


Work with Karey to gain the clarity and confidence to market and sell your offers with ease, flow, and abundance

Think about your business one year from now…

How will you get there?


If you are really ready to find an aligned path to being sought after for your knowledge and expertise, let’s do this!

  • 8 private sessions with Karey to strategize, plan, execute and stay out of your own way!
  • A customized sales conversation that makes sales fun for you.
  • VA support!
  • Instagram training!
  • Healing session!

MaYBe yOU’Re THinKinG…


I don’t have the money


I don’t have the time


My husband will kill me if I invest another cent into my business.

Listen, this is fear talking and guess what, it is there to keep you safe and comfortable and that is OK. It’s important to check in with your capacity to take on this fear. It is not about asking yourself if you have the money or time, instead, ask yourself if you are committed to building your capacity to find the money and time to make it work? Having capacity is the key to making money! At a surface level we can want and work hard all day and night to make money, but deep down your subconscious will sabotage those efforts if you are coming from a place of exhaustion and burn out.

As we journey together, I will be constantly reminding you to take care of yourself and stay committed to building your capacity because from this place, anything is possible!

As for your husband being upset that you are yet again putting money back into your business instead of into your pocket, this is about shutting out the people who hold fear for you (because they love you) and trusting yourself even if you have broken that trust with yourself before. It’s a game of believing deeply in yourself, taking the lessons learned when you have failed in the past, and going with your gut NOT your head.

Total value of $7251

But yoU cAn GEt it FOR:

PaY in FuLl

Best Value

One (1) payment of:



  • 8 private sessions with Karey
  • 1 customized sales convo session
  • 4 months of in between support
  • Content creation guide
  • Bonus 1 – Instagram Course
  • Bonus 2 – 10 hours of VA support

**Save an additional $250 over the payment plan

Book a call with Karey Now

PayMent pLan

Four (4) payments of:



  • 8 private sessions with Karey
  • 1 customized sales convo session
  • 4 months of in between support
  • Content creation guide
  • Bonus 1 – Instagram Course
  • Bonus 2 – 10 hours of VA support

Book a call with Karey Now

FReQUeNtly Asked QuEstiOnS

How much time is in between each private 1-1 session with Karey?

Answer here

What can I expect for results when I am done this program?

Answer here

Meet your coach, Karey.

Answer here

Ready to go from struggling to sought after?

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