Re-iMaGine and Re-iGNite
Perfect for coaches and service based businesses who aren’t ready to commit to a high ticket coaching package and just need a boost.
If you, like me, have spent a lot of time and money looking for the secret formula to finally creating success in your business (i.e. consistently attracting dream clients) and are feeling frustrated, confused, and overwhelmed…
I feel you and I am here to say, there isn’t one. You have to build your own.
THe GOod NeWs iS tHAt I cAn HeLP yOU.
I have created a one off coaching session to help you map out YOUR OWN unique way to:
EVEN if there are a million people who do kind of sort of the same things as you. Their missing ingredient though – YOU.
I will LISTEN to you and offer back to you what lights you up, aligns with your innate being, and help you identify what sets you apart from everyone else so that you can move forward with crystal clarity on your marketing and messaging strategy that is uniquely yours.
Work with Karey now and you will get:
30-45 minute coaching session to review what isn’t working in your business that is making you feel BLAH and how to re-imagine a way that feels more like YOU and aligns you with dream clients.
A unique content creation strategy based on what I am hearing YOU say about it. Let me discover your individuality and help you see the possibilities for putting more of it into your online presence. It will have you attracting clients on a soul level – the ones who need and want what you have to offer and are perfectly positioned to reap the benefits.
A free follow up review of any changes you implement to your messaging or social strategy for further refinement.
I’m in, let’s do it!
© 2023 Karey Kapell Business Coaching | WEBSITE BY BROOKE Logan