THe “Non SalEs-y”
MaRketinG FlOW MetHOd
for more ease and income in your business!
You are so tired of the manual labour involved in marketing and selling your programs to your social media following and small email list, but are not sure how else you can attract clients.
You likely have heard of building “sales funnels” but aren’t really sure how it works and are overwhelmed with the content you have to create to set one up. Freebies, sales pages, emails nurture and sales sequences, ad copy, downsells, upsells, trip wires and everything else fancy you can’t quite wrap your head around!
doEs any Of this SouNd faMiliar tO yoU:
You sell a few spots in your new program and feel good for a month and then the next are stressed about how to generate more sales.
You are constantly on social media nurturing your audience, showing up and sharing your knowledge, wisdom, and journey but it isn’t resulting in consistent sales.
You hate always having to worry about where next month’s sales will come from.
You struggle to constantly be creating content for social media and your email list. In fact, you often abandon your email list.
Imagine what it would be like to have all the content mapped out and written for a high converting sales funnel you can turn on, walk away from and have it bring you leads who need and want your offer.
What if I told you that you could…
- spend less time on social media and still attract an engaged audience.
- get off manual mode on social media and start attracting clients without you having to reach out, post all the time, and recreate your offer in the never ending guessing game of what will sell.
- sell with ease and without feeling overly promotional, pushy or aggressive or constantly having to post your offer slides on social media.
- have certainty with your income and feel excited, expansive, and energetically available to keep growing!
- have a business that gives you lots of “me time” and doesn’t tie you down 24-7.
You’re ready to take your business to the next level but you don’t know where to start with creating a sales funnel and automating it.
I know there can be a lot of overwhelm when it comes to building a sales funnel and mapping out all the content required. You know your program has incredible value and you want people to be able to access it and it is so hard to get people to see that value and to say yes to your offer. But once they are in, they get it!
But you have to get them in and that is where content is QUEEN.
Content communicates your value, sets you up as an expert and is ultimately what people read to decide whether or not they want to buy your program or work with you 1-1. It doesn’t matter how fancy your website is, or how consistently you send emails or show up online if your content isn’t moving your clients to a sale where they can really get the knowledge and support required for their transformation.
And content creation can be exhausting! What do you say, post, and communicate that will move people from hello oh this looks interesting to OMG, I need this.
This is why I created the “Non Sales-y” Marketing Flow Method!
You are excited to stop manually looking for clients and create a content funnel that takes the grunt work out of sales!
You are excited about an up level and a bit burnt from it not happening yet and it’s time to gain the CLARITY, the CONFIDENCE, and the SIMPLE STRATEGIES THAT WILL MAKE YOU MONEY doing what you are passionate about.
I want to build a funnel and automate my sales!
In tHiS CONtainer, yoU’ll Learn tO:
First 10K months and consistent flow of clients
- Became clear on my differentiator and how to communicate my value.
- Learned the art of target copy-writing for my social media and email content.
- Developed an aligned sales process that feels good and converts!
- Created my first lOK months and have a consistent stream of clients coming in.
Anna Zimmerman, Holistic Business Guide
Before working with Karey
Always unsure what to post, say, and do to get clients.
Feeling deflated and tired of constantly having to rely on social media posts to sell spots on your course, program or 1-1 offer.
Feeling overwhelmed and unsure if you are ready for a “funnel” or what it can do for you.
Tired of always stressing about money.
aftEr working with Karey
Know exactly what to say and how to say it that will get clients.
Spend more time connecting and being in community on social media and less time selling on there or not relying on it to sell for you.
See how easy, fun, and awesome a funnel can be and be excited for all your growth potential with it in place!
Feel certain and safe with your money flow and see it actually grow.
HeRe’s wHAt we’ll wORk thrOUgH tOGEther:
Create a system to align and attract dream clients to your offers without relying on social media posts, reach outs, and manual efforts you have been stuck doing for months (or years)!
Find the RIGHT hook that solves a problem for your dream client and has them seeing and appreciating your value and excited to be in your community.
Connect and deepen your relationship with your email list so that they feel valued, cared for, and start to open up to the transformation you can provide them.
Invite and inspire your audience to buy your offer without being sales-y.
Plus these juicy bonuses
A full funnel content review with Karey
Funnel tech set up with Karey’s VA, Anisha Feller
Imagine sharing results like this
When you work with Karey in this container, you get:
Meet with Karey and other like minded coaches looking to build their business to learn, strategize and map out your plan to sell your offers with ease, create a lead magnet/freebie that will align and attract dream clients, co-create messaging for your nurture and sales sequences, and get some pointers and tips on how to create powerful content that sets you up as the go- to expert in your industry.
Anisha can set up your landing page for your lead magnet, set up your email sequences, and turn your funnel on! ($250)
TOTAl valUe = $2,000
PaY in FuLl
Best Value
One (1) payment of:
1 day workshop with Karey to create a lead magnet/freebie, emails that will nurture your list, and emails to invite your list to your offer.
30 minute private review session with Karey
Funnel tech hook up with Karey’s VA
**Save an additional $53 over the payment plan
PayMent pLan
Two (2) payments of:
1 day workshop with Karey to create a lead magnet/freebie, emails that will nurture your list, and emails to invite your list to your offer
30 minute private review session with Karey
Funnel tech hook up with Karey’s VA
This is yet another investment in my business, what kind of return can I expect?
I don’t promise financial results because that depends on how much you are willing to go all in.
I do know that with the clarity, confidence, and my expertise on messaging and sales, you will be able to create a funnel that will give you the potential to free up your time, increase your revenue, and truly scale your business to the next level.
I believe in you. The question is, do you?
It’s tiMe tO StOp the StrUggLinG For clieNts and StArt maKinG sAleS On aUtopiLot!
It’s time to use your knowledge, skills, and experience and reach more people without draining more of your time and energy so that you can continue to show up and serve in a big way!
Work with Karey now and you will get:
A lead magnet that will align you with dream clients and set you up for a sales that will impact others positively.
An email nurture sequence that will build the know, like and trust with your list and opening them up to working with you so that they can get the transformation they deserve and desire.
A “non-sales-y” way to invite your list to your offer that will feel good to you and to them!
VA support so you don’t have to bog yourself down with frustrating tech stuff!
A renewed sense of clarity on your value and confidence that financial success is yours to enjoy while helping others.
Hear from Karey’s past clients who have worked with her in her group and 1-1 containers:
First 5 Figure Month!
- Stopped all the side hustles and aligned with my true passion as my career
- Excited for sales calls and feels authentic on them
- Uncovered my personal framework, and implemented new programs/services that are 100% are aligned with me
- My yearly sales doubled and are on track to double again!
- Experienced my first ever five figure month (which I never thought was possible)
Riley Lawson, Consciousness Coach
550 New Instagram Followers
- Based on a monthly average from the year prior to working with Karey, my monthly sales went up 31.4% and will keep going up!
- My instagram followers have organically gone up by over 550
- I have more confidence in my business and I can show up authentically
- I have strong offers and packages that I’m proud of and get excited about
- I now feel like I am operating from a big picture perspective
Crystal Lang, Crystal Lens Photography
Almost 50k in the bank!
- Huge increase in sales (almost double!)
- A much less stressful work environment
- I grew my network
- I went from using my $12,000 line of credit every month to “rob Peter to pay Paul” to having almost 50k in the bank consistently.
- Karey helped me find balance in my business and my personal life by having better time management and setting goals for myself.
Chelsey Ast, Owner of Bark Design Studio
ThiS is PeRfeCt FOr yoU if…
You are making some income monthly ($2-5K/month) but not consistently and want to grow this number.
You have an offer (program, course, or 1-1 mentorship) ready to sell.
You have a desire to scale your business and are ready to get off manual mode and start building systems and structures to do so.
You understand that funnel success will only happen if you get one out there and start testing and tweaking it.
You are working on the mindset and soulset of success and understand that there are parts of yourself that don’t feel deserving, worthy, or are plain freaked out to actually be successful and you are willing to honour and hold space for her while gently nudging her towards your goals.
You are ready (albeit scared) to start playing bigger!!
I want to build a funnel and automate my sales!
You know your potential to create impactful and profitable offers and it is time to create them.
You know you need someone to walk you through the steps so you stay out of overwhelm and actually get it done will be so useful!
You know that creating a plan and being held accountable to it and getting expert help with it will make growth so much easier.
yOU hAve tWo cHOicEs heRe:
Keep doing what you are doing and burn yourself out.
Work with Karey to gain the clarity and confidence to market and sell your offers with ease, flow, and abundance.
Think about your business one year from now…
How will you get there?
If you are really ready to find an aligned path to being sought after for your knowledge and expertise, let’s do this!
- 1 day workshop
- 30 minute custom review
- VA Support!!!
MaYBe yOU’Re THinKinG…
I don’t have the money
I don’t have the time
My husband will kill me if I invest another cent into my business.
Listen, this is fear talking and guess what, it is there to keep you safe and comfortable and that is OK. It is not about asking yourself if you have the money or time, instead, ask yourself if you are committed to building your capacity to find the money and time to make it work? Having capacity is the key to making money because it honours the space to work through your fears of success. And being scared of success is normal. There is a part of all of us that don’t want the exposure of our dirty little secrets, feel like an imposter, or don’t feel worthy and deserving of it. Honour this part and give her what she needs to feel safe moving forward.
As for your husband being upset that you are yet again putting money back into your business instead of into your pocket, this is about shutting out the people who hold fear for you (because they love you) and trusting yourself even if you have broken that trust with yourself before. It’s a game of believing deeply in yourself, taking the lessons learned when you have failed in the past, and going with your gut NOT your head.
Total value of $2,000
But yoU cAn GEt it FOR:
PaY in FuLl
Best Value
One (1) payment of:
1 day workshop with Karey to create a lead magnet/freebie, emails that will nurture your list, and emails to invite your list to your offer.
30 minute private review session with Karey
Funnel tech hook up with Karey’s VA
**Save an additional $53 over the payment plan
PayMent pLan
Two (2) payments of:
1 day workshop with Karey to create a lead magnet/freebie, emails that will nurture your list, and emails to invite your list to your offer
30 minute private review session with Karey
Funnel tech hook up with Karey’s VA
Ready to get off manual mode and start getting dream clients who need and want your offer on autopilot?
© 2023 Karey Kapell Business Coaching | WEBSITE BY BROOKE Logan