1. There are No rules

Rules box  you in and cause you to play small. When you are taking a business training, following a “guru” or “expert”, you’ve got to get really good at discerning what feels aligned for you in what they are sharing. There is no cookie cutter approach. It’s about taking what others have done and using it as a starting point. From there, you have to discern what works and what doesn’t and create your own path forward.

2. It’s Not a Strategy issuE

If you feel stuck or frustrated with the lack of growth in your business, don’t jump to strategy first to solve it. The right strategy works only when you get to the root of the “stuckness” or frustration. The answer lies with the part of yourself who is scared of success. Get to know her. She needs to be acknowledged, held, loved, nudged, and made to feel safe with growth. From there, pick the strategy that your scared self has the capacity for.

3. Ego will both Serve & Sabotage yoU

The ego is powerful for protecting you from fear and will feed you all sorts of stories to keep you playing small. This is not always a bad thing. Sometimes you don’t have the capacity to play bigger and that is ok. However, ego can also take you out of alignment and go for things that may create quick wins but leads to burnout and an emptiness. Checking in with ego and discerning if it is being useful or hindering is important.

4. Biz growth is a Game in capacitY buildinG

It doesn’t matter how much you know, how much value you can give others, or how smart you are. If you aren’t focused on growing your capacity to serve, you will not achieve growth with ease and flow. Instead of asking yourself what more you can do to grow, ask yourself what more you can let go of. If you aren’t sure, start with perfectionism, caring what others think, ignoring the part of yourself who is scared, societal conditionings, and limiting beliefs.

5. There is NO Way Around Having to Sell yourselF

Sales can be more genuine, authentic, non-pushy, and aligned. But at the end of the day, if you aren’t comfortable with sharing your offers, inviting people to buy from you, and ultimately selling your value, you ain’t going nowhere! Clarity and confidence on your true value, who your value is for, and how you want to deliver that value and share it with the world is how you sell and something  you need to continue to master.

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