Approach the failures with curiosity instead of judgement and you will find the opportunity in it. This is the gold meant for you!
Stay committed to the journey back to self, finding and staying true to your values, and to finding your way to the solution.
You are not meant to do business and life alone. Manage your capacity and if you need others to hold things for you, help you, or support you, then reach out.
Which one could you implement more of right now? For me, it’s community!
As the one who always helps, mentors, guides and cheerleads others, I find it hard to ask for that for myself. It’s something I’m working on!
While I take responsibility for everything in my life, I sometimes need someone to hold space for me while I figure my shit out. Someone to help me see the answer I already have inside me, someone to help me organize my next steps, someone who can be with me as I sit with the emotions that come up as I go through uncomfortable growth.
It can feel really vulnerable to be in community with your truth and really uncomfortable but if it’s the right person or group, it’s everything.
Special shout-out to my untamed mama’s who’s that group for me this year. Last session I was so mad I couldn’t talk and they held that space for me and I realized how accepting and loving it feels to be on the receiving end of community.
Find the people not looking to solve your problems but who will show up curious and committed to seeing you and loving you through the good, the ugly and everything in between!