A messaging & “non- sales-y” sales expert

passionate about pulling out your individuality and turning it into the secret sauce that will attract dream clients and transform their life (and yours).

Ready to create killer content?

Get my top 3 Content Creation Strategies for social media that will attract aligned, PAYING clients.

Hey there, I’m Karey

I help coaches, course creators, and mentors uncover their individuality and create their own unique formula for building an impactful and profitable coaching business.

If You are FeEling…


Overwhelmed, confused, and burnt out trying to attract clients to your offer(s) consistently


Stuck selling yourself short, or offering something that no longer aligns with what you want to do but you don’t know how to transition out of it without risking your monthly rent


Frustrated, insecure and resentful towards other coaches who seemingly found the “magic pill” to ease and flow when you know you have something great to offer too from a lens that others are missing

Deflated with making decent coin one month only to be stressed and anxious about paying bills and contributing to the family the next
Fed up with yourself for enrolling in courses, hiring coaches, joining masterminds and STILL struggling with the same thing and feeling like a major imposter.

Then you are in the right place and what you need is to stop trying to “make it” the way everyone is telling you to and start building a pathway of your own that aligns with your innate being and honours your individuality.

It’s about molding your business to your innate being NOT molding yourself to your business.

This is the secret switch that turns your dreams of a successful and sought after coach into reality where you feel:

  • aligned, clear and confident about what you need to do to attract the right clients – you know the ones easy to serve and who get results working with you
  • confident and secure in creating consistent income so that you don’t have to stress out about paying bills, contributing to your family, and can actually experience abundance
  • fulfillment, freedom, joy, celebrated, and proud of yourself! – you know, daily dance parties, plenty of white space in your calendar, and actually able to afford a family hot trip this year on you!

If tHis iS WHAt you WaNt…

and you are ready to get it, then you gotta stop:

Following everyone else’s formula for success and find your own

It’s about taking advice, best practices, and strategies that work for others as guidance and starting point and from there, discerning what works for you and what does not. Otherwise, you will be stuck trying to do and be someone who isn’t innately YOU and it will be a full on struggle.

Putting so much pressure on yourself to be what you think is a successful entrepreneur

It’s time to start owning your perceived weaknesses as actual super powers in your business. Design your business offers, marketing and sales strategy around what works easily for YOU.

Avoiding your relationship with money and embodying your own unique way you relate to it.

Overspend, over-save, somewhere in the middle – there is no right or wrong. It is the narrative around how you are with money that is holding you back not the actual way itself.

Disowning your true self (the light and the dark parts)

These parts will help you connect deeper with your dream clients in your marketing and sales efforts and will align you with people who need and want your offers and who will get the best results from you.

Are you ready to drop rules and find your own unique formula to success?

Check out my “Re-imagine + Re-ignite” one off session to get a taste of what it is like to work with me! 

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